The Hospitality and Tourism Educators

Dr. Tom Bu

Country/Regional Representative-China

Dr. Tom Bu
Shandong University
No. 180, Wenhua Xi Road
Huancui District, Weihai

Naipeng (Tom) Bu is Assistant Dean of the School of Business, Shandong University, Head of Department of Tourism Management, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, PhD in Tourism Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Member of UNWTO Tourism Experts Panel, Member of PATA Tourism Experts Panel, Certified Hospitality Educator, and Deputy Secretary General of the International Smart Tourism Conference. He is mainly engaged in research in the fields of tourism and culture, tourism planning, tourism destination image and competitiveness. He has published more than 30 papers in SSCI, SCI and CSSCI journals, and has published many articles on tourism culture and rural revitalization in People’s Daily, Guangming Daily and Xue Xi, and published four books. He has presided over and participated in many social science projects in Shandong Province, projects supported by China Postdoctoral Foundation and key programs of National Social Science Foundation, etc. He has presided over and participated in the planning projects of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, including the “Tourism Planning Project of Nanxun District, Huzhou City, China”, “Tourism Industry Development Master Plan of Shandong Province 2016-2025”, “2021 Jinan International Tourism Destination Planning Project”, etc.