The Hospitality and Tourism Educators

Dr. Pipatpong Fakfare

Country/Regional Representative-Thailand

Assistant Professor
School of Humanities and Tourism Management
Bangkok University

Pipatpong Fakfare, D.HTM is an assistant professor at the School of Humanities and Tourism Management of Bangkok University. He earned his doctorate in Hotel and Tourism Management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, his MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management from Bournemouth University and his BBA in Hotel and Tourism Management from Prince of Songkla University (Phuket Campus). Prior to his academic career, he worked in sales and marketing department for several hotel brands in Thailand. Pipatpong has papers published in journals such as JTTM, JHTR, APJTR, TM and TR. He has also served as an editorial review board of the TR. His research interests include Thailand tourism, domestic tourism and tourist behaviors.