The Hospitality and Tourism Educators

Dr. I Made Sudjana

Country/Regional Representative-Indonesia

Country/Regional Representative of Indonesia

President of Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional (IPB Internasional)

STPBI Jalan Kecak 12, Gatot Subroto Timur
Denpasar 80239
Bali – Indonesia

I Made Sudjana is the President of Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional (IPB Internasional). Prior to this assignment, he was the Director of a State Tourism Institute.

He received the award for his efforts toward sustainable development of the Island Bali From Consortium of Bali Community and at the same time received the same award from Bali Villa Association. He was also awarded as 55 wonderful people for wonderful tourism from Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung.

Sudjana interests are in the areas of sustainable tourism and School Management. He actively promotes the development of hospitality and tourism education quality through his assignment in several tourism organizations in Indonesia.