The Hospitality and Tourism Educators

Dr. Choongbeom (CB) Choi

Country/Regional Representative-South Korea

Dr. Choongbeom (CB) Choi
Department Head / Associate Professor
Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Sejong University
Seoul, South Korea

Choongbeom (CB) Choi is a department head / associate professor in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea. He received a Ph.D. degree in hospitality management from the Penn State School of Hospitality Management in 2015. He began his academic career as an assistant professor in the William F. Harrah College of Hospitality at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He received the “Best Paper” award both at the 2013 Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism and at the 2014 Annual ICHRIE Conference. In addition, he was recognized as the Emerging Global Hospitality Educator at the 2017 Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. His research interests are in the areas of services marketing and consumer behavior, in particular behavioral pricing and servicescape. He is currently on the editorial board of Journal of Travel Research.